目的 :进一步了解前方牵引矫治器对前牙反的矫治效果。方法 :选择 17例安氏 类病人 ,男 7例 ,女 10例 ,最大 12 .8岁 ,最小 8.5岁 ,均为替牙期及恒牙早期 ,X线头影测量显示主要为上颌后缩及下颌轻度前突 ,头颅侧位片上颈椎多数显示为生长发育高峰前期。结果 :平均疗程 9.5个月 ,X线头影测量结果骨骼改变主要为 SNA角增大 ,平均增大 2 .33°,ANB角增大 ,平均增大 4.17°,SNB角减小 ,平均减小 1.97°。统计学处理有显著性差异。结论 :前方牵引矫治器有促进上颌骨向前生长 ,抑制下颌骨向前生长的作用 ;而其口内装置选用方丝弓矫治器主弓丝上焊牵引钩配合矫形牵引 。
Objective:To investigate the effectiveness of extraoral traction in the treatment of anterior crossbite Methods:The sample consisted of 10 females and 7 males with anterior crossbite of mixed or permanent dentition (aged 8 5~12 8 years) Cephalograms showed the patients were mandible protrusion and maxillary retrusion Radiographs of the cervical vertebra showed they were at the pre-pubertal stage Results:The duration treatment was 9 5 months on average SNA increased with a mean of 2 33° ANB increased with a mean of 4 17° and SNB decreased with a mean of 1 97°,which showed significant difference by statistical analysis Conclusion:Extraoral traction can promote maxillary growth forward and restrain mandible growth forward
Guangxi Medical Journal