
印度—阿富汗战略伙伴关系:进展、影响与前景 被引量:3

Indo-Afghan Strategic Partnership : Developments , Impacts and Prospects
摘要 2011年10月,印度与阿富汗两国领导人签署《战略伙伴关系协议》,这标志两国战略伙伴关系的正式建立。在战略伙伴关系协议下,印阿在政治、经济、社会文化和安全领域的密切合作将得到进一步提升,这将对地区经济与安全等产生复杂影响。印阿战略伙伴关系的前景广阔,但也面临各种挑战。 In October 2011 , India and Afghanistan signed an agreement on strategic partnership , which means closer and upgraded cooperation on political , economic , socio-cultural and security fields.This development will produce complex impacts on Central Asia and South Asia.Despite some optimistic expectations , the Indo-Afghan Strategic Partnership encounters with major challenges , such as the resistance from Pakistan , sluggish economic interaction between New Delhi and Kabul , and the aggravated security situation and political uncertainties in Afghanistan.
出处 《南亚研究季刊》 CSSCI 2013年第1期21-26,4,共6页 South Asian Studies Quarterly
基金 教育部国别研究基地四川大学美国研究中心2012-2013年度课题项目(项目批准号:ASC201207)系列成果之一
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