
现代理性主义的历史解构——论列奥·施特劳斯的“现代性的两次危机” 被引量:1

The Historical Deconstruction of Modern Rationalism——On Leo Strauss’ “Two Crises of Modernity”
摘要 在对现代性问题的众多批判中,列奥·施特劳斯独特地将"现代性的危机"理解为"现代政治哲学的危机",而后者的核心症结则在于现代理性无法再赋予政治哲学以普遍效力。施特劳斯认为,现代理性主义的这一困境根源于现代性的"历史化"进程,它是现代政治哲学企图以彻底的此岸化信仰替代古典理想主义方案的结果,其主要表现为"现代性的三次浪潮"的展开,而三次浪潮中爆发的两次危机则是其逆向激进化的主要推手:卢梭在第一次危机中解构了"自然"标准,并以"普遍意志"的自我立法作为其现实替代物,由之肇端了"历史过程";尼采则在第二次危机中解构了"历史"本身,通过对历史的历史性洞见,将"历史感"最终解释为直面虚无的"理智的诚实",为"权力意志"的彻底自由扫清了理性的虚妄这一最后障碍。本文即试图以施特劳斯所谓现代性的两次危机为重点,论证其间层级递进的"历史化"进程,以阐明其如何导致了现代理性主义的自我解构。 Among different perspectives of criticism toward Modernity,Leo Strauss uniquely attributes 'the Crisis of Modernity' to 'the Crisis of Modern Philosophy',the core crux of which lies in the fact that modern rationality can no longer give validity to political philosophy.Strauss believes that this dilemma of modern rationalism is rooted in the 'Historicizing' process of modernity,which has been the result of the attempt to substitute the classic idealism by faith of radical this-worldliness of modern political philosophy.It is mainly reflected in the development of 'the Three Waves of Modernity',during which two crises broke out and became the major promoters in reversely radicalizing the 'Historicizing' process of modernity: In the first crisis,Rousseau deconstructed the standard of 'Nature' and replaced it by the self-legislation of 'General Will' as a realistic substitute,which started the concept of 'Historical Process'.In the second crisis,Nietzsche deconstructed 'History' itself.By the insight of historicism of history,he finally explained 'the Sense of History' as 'Intellectual Probity' of confronting nothingness,which removed the final obstacle of the vanity of rationality for the absolute freedom of 'Will to Power'.This article tries to demonstrate the progressive 'Historicizing' process developed radically during the two crises of modernity in Strauss’perspective,and clarifies how it leads to the self-deconstruction of modern rationalism.
作者 张敏
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 2013年第2期72-81,127,共10页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
关键词 施特劳斯 现代理性主义 现代性危机 历史解构 卢梭 尼采 Strauss Modern rationalism History Rousseau Nietzsche
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