
财务管理专业课程教学体系改革例谈:现状、问题与对策 被引量:12

Financial Management Course Teaching System Reform:Situation,Problems and Solutions
摘要 为适应经济全球化和金融业快速发展以及国际财经类高等教育的发展趋势,我国当前的财务管理和会计学专业课程教学体系还须进行相应的革新和优化设计,财务管理专业课程教学体系应该体现出其作为区别于其他财经类专业特别是会计学专业的独立学科的专业内涵来。本文基于石河子大学经济与管理学科发展特别是会计和财务管理专业建设的现状及其问题的简单描述性分析,提出以专业课程教学体系建设"以点带面",逐步推进其财务管理专业建设整体质量提升的发展思路,同时为我国高校财务管理专业建设提供一些管见。 In order to meet the trend of economic globalization and the rapid development of the financial sector as well as the development of higher education in international finance and economics, China's current professional course teaching system of financial management and accounting must innovate and optimize. Financial management course teaching system should reflect their own characteristics or independent disciplinary professional connotation ,which can be distinguished from is different from other financial majors, especially as accounting courses. Based on the brief description of the Shihezi Uni- versity's development of economic and management disciplines ,especially the situation and problems of her accounting and financial management, this paper presents that we should gradually enhance the overall quality of our financial management professional construction through the enhancement of its professional courses teaching system. At the same time, this paper also provides some countermeasures for our university financial management professional construction.
出处 《兵团教育学院学报》 2013年第2期56-62,共7页 Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute
基金 石河子大学"263"青年骨干教师项目 石河子大学"211工程"重点学科建设资助项目
关键词 财务管理专业 课程体系改革 学科建设 对策 financial management curriculum system reform discipline construction countermeasures
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