

The Van Der Waals Interaction Between Cesium Atom and Perfect Metal Surfaces: Calculation of Specific Quantum State of C3
摘要 根据电偶极跃迁几率的定义和Wigner-Eckart定理,建立了计算铯原子与无缺陷金属表面间范德瓦尔斯(vdw)作用势的特定量子态的理论模型,并计算了铯原子基态、激发态各特定量子态C3的数值。 Gave a theoretical model to calculate the value C3 of specific quantum state of the Van der Waals (vdw) interaction between Cesium atoms and perfect metal surface based on the definition of the electric dipole transition probability and Wigner-Eckart theory, and the value C3 of the ground state and some excited states of Cesium atoms were calculated.
出处 《纳米科技》 2013年第2期4-6,22,共4页
关键词 vdw作用势 量子态 基态 激发态 Van der Waals interaction quantum state ground state excited state
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