
CLCL谐振软开关DC-AC变换器 被引量:3

Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Resonant CLCL DC-AC Converter
摘要 针对大功率高压钠灯(HPS)电子镇流器的低电压大电流输出需求,本文提出一种CLCL谐振变换器,通过谐振实现零电压零电流开关(ZVZCS)及正弦波输出。根据变换器开关管实现软开关的条件,阐述了新电路的工作原理。提出了一种新的电路参数优化设计方法,使得ZVZCS条件下谐振器件上的电压应力最低。对新电路进行了理论和仿真分析。理论和仿真结果表明,新电路的开关管工作在零电压零电流或者准零电流开关状态。同时,输出端的电压、电流波形为正弦波,有效降低负载电流的波峰系数,延长负载使用寿命。研制了一台400V输入,100V/10A输出,开关频率为260kHz的DC-AC变换器样机。用来表明上述软开关实现策略的正确性,其最高满载效率可达99.1%。 A CLCL resonant DC-AC converter was investigated in this paper, which is used for high-power high-pressure-sodium lamps(HPS lamps). Zero-voltage and zero-current switching(ZVZCS) and sine-waveform were achieved by working on the resonant point. The working principle for the new circuit was presented, based on the soft switching conditions for the converter switching. An optimization design method was investigated in this paper, which ensures the minimum voltage stress of the resonant components in ZVZCS condition. The theoretical analysis and the simulation were presented based on the newly designed circuit. The analysis and simulation results show that all the switching were working on ZVZCS condition. At the same time, the output current had a sine waveform, which efficiently reduced the crest factor of the current and prolonged the life of the lamp. A DC-AC resonant converter was designed with 400V input, 100V/10A output, and 260kHz switching frequency. The experimental results verified the design method of the quality factor is rational, and the full load efficiency of the converter can achieve 99.1%.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期95-103,共9页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
关键词 谐振逆变器 软开关 零电压零电流开关 电子镇流器 Resonant inverter soft switching ZVZCS electronic ballast
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