
高职院校职业技术能力培养现状与对策 被引量:1

On the Situation and Countermeasures of Technical Ability Training in Higher Vocational Colleges
摘要 高职院校如何使学生在校期间能够得到行业、企业所需的职业技术能力的培养、锻炼和提高,是当前高职院校培养高技能应用型人才必须解决的问题。针对目前职业技术能力培养中存在的问题,首先要依据区域经济发展的现状与行业企业的需求调整专业设置;其次要增加设备投入,改善实践教学条件;再次要加大课程教改力度,推行"项目化"教学;最后要加强"校企合作",充分利用校外实训基地,不断提高职业技术能力培养的效果。 How to train, practice and improve students' technical abilities which are needed in industries and enterprises in vocational colleges should be solved by higher vocational colleges when cultivating applied talents with high skills. According to the existing problems in technical ability training, first it is necessary to regulate specialty setup based on the present situation of regional economic development and the need of industries and enterprises. Secondly, there should be more equipment input and improvement of practical teaching conditions. Besides, curriculum reform should be reinforced, and the project-oriented teaching should be carried out. Finally, it is important to strengthen the college-enterprise cooperation, make full use of off-campus training base and gradually improve the effectiveness of technical ability trairining.
作者 林伟 周加清
出处 《常州信息职业技术学院学报》 2013年第2期67-70,共4页 Journal of Changzhou College of Information Technology
基金 常州大学高等职业教育研究院2011年课题(CDGZ20110014)
关键词 高职院校 职业技术能力 “项目化” higher vocational college vocational technical ability project-oriented
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