采用血管内灌注颜料的方法解剖观察了双峰驼荐尾部血管的构筑情况。荐中动脉 (A .sacralismediana)是荐尾部的动脉主干 ,自腹主动脉末端背侧壁发出 ,沿荐骨盆面向后延伸 ,其侧支有第 6腰动脉 (A .lumbalisⅥ )、荐支 (Ramisacrales)、肌支 (Ramimuscularis)、尾外侧动脉干 (Truncuscaudalislateralis)和直肠支 (Rumusrectalis)。尾中动脉 (A .caudalismediana)为荐中动脉在第 2尾椎腹侧的延续。尾外侧动脉干末端分为左右尾外侧动脉。荐中静脉 (V .sacralismediana)
Vasculoarchitecture of sacral region and tail in Bactrian camels were dissected and studied by means of the introvascular infused oilcolar. The middle sacral artery is the main arterial trunk of the sacral area and tail. It arises from the dorsal wall of end of abdominal aorta and runs caudally along the pelvic surface of the sacrum and its major tributaries include the sixth lumbar artery, sacral branches, muscular branch, trunk of lateral caudal artrey and rectal branch. The middle caudal artery in continuation of the middle sacral artery which cousers the ventral face of second caudal vertedbrae. The trunk of the lateral caudal artery is divided into left and right lateral caudal arteries. The middle sacral vein, draining the sacral area and tail, opens into the right common iliac vein.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology