After taking up the post of Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe pandered to the populist sentiment in Japan. He wanted to amend the Murayama statement which took a correct attitude to the aggressive history of Japan, and the Kono statement which held Japanese militarists accountable for coercing the comfort women in WWII. He strengthened the Japan-U.S. alliance in its military functions and security mechanism. He stepped up armament expansion in line with the U.S. rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific. He tried hard to woo and buy over those countries that share common values with Japan and those countries that are strategic importance to Japan in the Asia-Pacific, so as to build an 'arc of freedom and prosperity'. All these showed that Mr. Abe adopts a policy that encircle and put pressure on China first and then reap economic benefits by improving relations with China later.
Peace and Development