目的 :探讨威海市沿海、内地居民恶性肿瘤发病死亡分布情况。方法 :按全国肿瘤防办制定的恶性肿瘤死亡回顾调查方案 ,应用随机整群抽样的方法 ,抽取 5个沿海乡镇和 3个非沿海乡镇进行 8年回顾性调查。结果 :8年间沿海和内地恶性肿瘤死亡率均呈逐年上升趋势 ,沿海地区上升幅度明显大于内地。两地的胃癌、肝癌和肺癌均为前 3位主要癌症 ,内地胃癌高于沿海 ,沿海肺癌高于内地 ,肝癌两地接近。肠癌明显上升且沿海高于内地。结论 :不良生活习惯和西方化生活方式及空气污染将会使肺癌、肝癌发病继续上升 。
Purpose:To investigate the trend of mortality of malignant tumors in coastal and inland areas of weihai.Methods:In accordance with the programme for deaths due to maligant tumors as promulgated by the National Office of Cancer Control,we adopted the method of random population sampling to inverstigate five coastal small towns and three inland small towns for eight years in weihai. Results:The death rates due to malignant tumors goes up year by year in both coastal and inland towns, but the range of increase in coastal towns is significantly higher than that of the inland tows. Stomach cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer are the three major cancers in both regions. The mortality of stomach cancer in the inland towns is higher than that of coastal towns,lung cancer is the reverse. Liver cancer is similar in the two region. Intestinal cancer is prominently increasing. Its mortality is higher than that in inland. Conclusions:Unhealthy life habits, western lifer style and air pollution will lead to the increase of lung cancer and liver cancer, but intestinal cancer will be stable.
China Oncology