

Clinical analysis of premature repture of fetal mem branes at head position:a report of 187 cases
摘要 目的 探讨头位胎膜早破发生的原因及对分娩的影响 ,母婴并发症的发生和预防、处理。方法 将 187例头位胎膜早破的孕产妇与头位分娩无胎膜早破 350例产妇进行对照分析。结果 破膜后第一、二产程时间较对照组长 ,自然分娩率低于对照组 ,阴道助产及剖宫产率高于对照组 ,新生儿脐炎发生率与对照组无明显差别。结论 头盆不称及感染与头位胎膜早破有关 ,头位胎膜早破与难产和感染互为因果。头位胎膜早破发生后应及早使用抗生素预防感染 ,尽早终止妊娠 ,可减少母婴并发症的发生。 s OBjective To discuss the cause of premature ruptnre of fctal membranes at head position and its effect on childbirth,the occurance of complication of mother and infant and its prevention and treatment Methods Analyzing by comparing 187 cases of parturient with premature rupture of fetal membranes at head position to 350 cases of those without it Results In contrast to the compared group,the time taken in the first and second birth process after rapture of membranes is longer;the rate of natural delirery is lower;the rate of vagina midwifery and hysterotomy is higher;the infection rate of postpartum and the rate of asphyxia neonatorum are higher but there is no distinct difference in the rate of omphacitis of mewborn Conclusion Cephalopelvic disproportion and the infection have something to do with premature rupture of fetal memtranes at head position,which is just the cause and effect of dystocia and infection The antibiotic should be immediately used to prevent infection after premature rupture of fetal membranes and pregnancy shoud be stopped as soon as possible Consequently,the complication of mother and infant can be relieved
作者 罗秋萍
机构地区 吉安县人民医院
出处 《井冈山医专学报》 2000年第2期23-24,共2页 Journal of Jinggangshan Medical College
关键词 头位 胎膜早破 并发症 病因 诊断 治疗 Prematnre repture of fetal membranes,Head presentation,Ulephalopelvic disproportion,Infection Dystocia,Complication
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