
微博语境下公共领域的重构 被引量:1

Reconstruction of Public Domain in Micro-blog Context
摘要 公共领域理论对于我们建构中国式的公共领域有重要参考价值。当下,微博在我国互联网应用传播领域异军突起,成为公共领域由现实社会向网络社会转型的重要媒介与平台。微博具备了一些支撑公共领域的基本特征,不过相应地也有一些瑕疵。全社会应当从政府、互联网运营商和网民三者的博弈互动方面来系统考量微博语境下公共领域的重构,使公共领域的网络化转型得以实现。 The theory of the public domain has important reference value on the construction of China' s public domain. Nowadays, the micro-blog is rising in the field of China' s Internet applications, and becomes important media and platforms of transformation of the public domain from the real society to the network society. Micro- blog has some basic characteristics of the public domain, but also there are some flaws. The whole society should consider the reconstruction of China' s public domain in micro-blog context from interactive factors among the government, Internet operators and users. Only in this way, can network transformation of the public domain be achieved.
作者 李钢 罗程浩
出处 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期1-5,30,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部新世纪人才支持计划项目(NCET-07-0107)
关键词 公共领域 微博 转型 重构 public domain micro-blog transformation reconstruction
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