
Review of Anobothrus (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) from China 被引量:2

Review of Anobothrus (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) from China
摘要 We reviewed ampharetid genus Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 in China seas based upon material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). The genus includes A. glandularis (Hartmann-Schr der, 1965), A. gracilis (Malmgren, 1866), A. mironovi Jirkov, 2008 and A. nataliae (Jirkov, 2008). A. glandularis and A. mironovi are recorded for the first time in Chinese waters. A key to Chinese species of Anobothrus is given. We reviewed ampharetid genus Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 in China seas based upon material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). The genus includes A. glandularis (Hartmann-Schr6der, 1965), A. gracilis (Malmgren, 1866), A. mironovi Jirkov, 2008 and A. nataliae (Jirkov, 2008). A. glandularis and A. mironovi are recorded for the first time in Chinese waters. A key to Chinese species of Anobothrus is given.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期632-635,共4页 中国海洋湖沼学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41176133)
关键词 中国海 海洋生物博物馆 评论 中国科学院 中国水域 沉积 Polychaeta Ampharetidae new records Chinese waters
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