
护士在实施急诊抢救患者“先诊疗后结算”服务流程中的作用 被引量:1

Application of treatment first settlement later service in emergency service
摘要 目的:探讨"先诊疗后结算"服务模式的开展方式并评价其实践效果,为进一步有效地开展急诊人性化服务提供依据。方法:利用现代信息手段,将患者就诊流程简化和合并;完善相关管理制度与制定合理结算模式,对患者挂号至诊疗时间、患者满意度及欠费原因进行分析。结果:"先诊疗后结算"实施后,急诊患者首次用药时间及首张血化验单报告时间缩短(P<0.001),患者满意度提高,投诉率下降。结论:"先诊疗后结算"服务模式进一步深化了"以患者为中心"的服务理念,是急诊人性化服务的深入开展。 Objective: To explore the service mode of 'treatment first settlement later' and evaluate it's effect. Methods: The authors simplified patient's emergency visit process, optimized the relevant management system and established reasonable medical expenses mode based on modern information technology. And they analyzed the time from register to diagnosis and treatment, patients' satisfaction and the reason of medical arrear. Results: After the implement of'treatment first settlement later' service mode, the time required for patients' first medicine usage and blood test report was significantly shortened (P〈0.001). Emergency patients' satisfaction improved significantly, while patient's complaint rate dropped. Conclusion:treatment first settlement later' service mode may further deepen the patients centered care concept.
出处 《中国护理管理》 CSCD 2013年第4期49-51,共3页 Chinese Nursing Management
关键词 急诊 流程 先诊疗后结算 Emergency Department process treatment first settlement later
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