
轻度智力障碍儿童口语叙事能力个案研究 被引量:1

A Case Study of the Oral .Narrative Abilities of a Child with Mildly Mental Retardation
摘要 目的从叙事的宏观层面研究轻度智力障碍儿童的口语叙事能力,以期为教师和家长实施康复教育提供参考.方法采用个案研究的方法,收集1名11岁轻度智力障碍儿童讲故事或重述故事的语言样本,以叙事的宏观层面为分析指标,研究轻度智力障碍儿童的口语叙事能力.结果①个案的叙事能力处于不完整情节水平;②个案叙事时引发事件、采取的行动和结果元素表现较差,故事背景元素中的人物元素表现良好;③个案叙事主题相关性高,叙说风格平淡无味,内容简短、流畅度差,叙事时能够把握一定的事件顺序,但逻辑关系不清.结论个案叙事缺乏引发事件、行动和结果要素,逻辑关系不清造成其在日常生活与学习中出现交流困难.儿童叙事能力教学要与认知训练相结合,在加强短时记忆和抽象思维训练的基础上,逐渐提高叙事能力. Objective To investigate the oral narrative abilities of a child with mildy mental disability on a macro level, in order to provide teachers and parents with references of rehabilitation and education. Methods The narrative language samples of an 11-year-old child with mental disability were collected and the narrative ability was analyzed on a macro level. Results (1) The subject failed to demonstrate his ability to complete the entire plot of the material studied. (2)The subject lacked an ability to depict the whole process of ‘initiating event, action and consequences’, but presented rather acceptable ‘person setting’ characteristics. (3) The correlation with the theme was noticeable, the narrative style simple, and the content rather concise yet limited; however, there was a lack of story logics within. Conclusion The subject showed little description of the ‘initiating event, action and consequences’ process, with limited logic skills that results in communication difficulties in daily life. Children’s narrative abilities must be taught together with cognition training, and should be improved on the basis of short-term memory and abstract thinking.
作者 赵曼 马红英
机构地区 保定学院
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2013年第3期214-217,共4页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 轻度智力障碍 口语叙事能力 Child with mildy mental retardation Oral narrative ability
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