This paper compares numerical modeling of the effect of stress on solute transport (advection and matrix diffusion) in fractured rocks in which fracture apertures are correlated with fracture lengths. It is mainly motivated by the performance and safety assessments of underground radioactive waste repositories. Five research teams used different approaches to model stress/deformation, flow and transport pro- cesses, based on either discrete fracture network or equivalent continuum models. The simulation results derived by various teams generally demonstrated that rock stresses could significantly influence solute transport processes through stress-induced changes in fracture apertures and associated changes in per- meability. Reasonably good agreement was achieved regarding advection and matrix diffusion given the same fracture network, while some observed discrepancies could be explained by different mechanical or transport modeling approaches.
This paper compares numerical modeling of the effect of stress on solute transport (advection and matrix diffusion) in fractured rocks in which fracture apertures are correlated with fracture lengths. It is mainly motivated by the performance and safety assessments of underground radioactive waste repositories. Five research teams used different approaches to model stress/deformation, flow and transport pro- cesses, based on either discrete fracture network or equivalent continuum models. The simulation results derived by various teams generally demonstrated that rock stresses could significantly influence solute transport processes through stress-induced changes in fracture apertures and associated changes in per- meability. Reasonably good agreement was achieved regarding advection and matrix diffusion given the same fracture network, while some observed discrepancies could be explained by different mechanical or transport modeling approaches.
the context of the international DECOVALEX-2011 Project
LBNL from NDA via SERCO TAS was provided through the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231
supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic within the SGS project No. 7822/115 on the TUL