目的:(1)探究哈萨克族人群中是否存在PS缺陷和APC-R并存的患者,该患者的血浆内PS活性与APC-R值是否存在相关性;(2)探究哈萨克族人群中是否存在PC缺陷和APC-R并存的患者,该患者的血浆内PC活性与APC-R值是否存在相关性。方法:通过横断面调查,选择新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州常驻哈萨克族人群,测定该健康人群PC、PS活性及APC-R。结果:共纳入1 005名哈萨克族健康志愿者(男性332名,女性673名),平均年龄(41.13±11.50)。通过研究得出:PS缺陷和APC-R并存的患者有32例,这些患者血浆中PS活性与APC-R值存在显著正相关;PC缺陷和APC-R并存的患者有27例,这些患者血浆中PC活性与APC-R值存在正相关。结论:在新疆哈萨克族联合缺陷患者中,APC-R与PS缺陷、APC-R与PC缺陷可能相互存在关联,共同作用于血栓性疾病的发生、发展。
Objective: (1)To explore whether there are patients with the combined defects of the the PS defect and APC-R in Hasake. Whether there is a con-elation of the PS activity and APC-R values in the plasma of patients ; (2) To ex- plore whether there are patients with the combined defects of the the PC defect and APC-R in Hasake. Whether there is a correlation of the PC activity and APC-R values in the plasma of patients. Methods:Through cress-sectional survey and se- lect Kazakh in the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture Permanent , and determining PC, PS activity and the APC-R of the healthy population. Results:There are 1005 Kazak (332 male,673 female) ,mean age years (41.13 + 11.50) in healthy volunteers. In this studies:There are 32 patients with co-existence of PS defects and APC-R,and there is a significant posi- tive con'elation of PS activity and APC-R value in the plasma of these patients. Meanwhile, :There axe 27 patients with co- existence of PC defects and APC-R ,and there is a positive correlation of PC activity and APC-R value in the plasma of these patients. Conclusion: APC-R and PS deficiency, APC-R and PC deficiency correlate with each other,play an important role in the occurrence and the development of thrombotic disease in patients with the combined clefeets in Hasake.
Journal of Nongken Medicine