
代表性官僚理论述评 被引量:1

A Review of Representative Bureaucracy Theory
摘要 本文对代表性官僚理论及其相关的经验研究进行了梳理,总结出现有的文献研究集中讨论四个方面,一是行政人员的消极代表性,二是消极代表性与积极代表性关系及经验研究,三是关于自由裁量权及新公共管理运动对代表性的影响;四是理论本身的意义与批判。最后,本文在文献梳理的基础上,探讨了代表性官僚理论对我国在理论研究和政府实践两个层面的启示。 This paper reviews the theory of representative bureaucracy and its empirical research. The existing studies focus on the following four aspects, passive representation, the link between passive representation and active representation, the influence of self discretion and New Public Management Movement on representation and also the value or significance and critics of representative bureaucracy theory. To conclude, this paper attempts to figure out what we can learn from representative bureaucracy in theory and practice based on the review.
作者 何冬红
出处 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期99-109,共11页 Journal of the Graduates Sun YAT-SEN University(Social Sciences)
关键词 代表性官僚 消极代表 积极代表 Bureaucracy, Passive Representation, Active Representation
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