
PLGA人工抗原提呈细胞载体的制备 被引量:1

Application of Carrier with PLGA Microspheres
摘要 目的:目前常用的载体材料,在体内很难降解,限制了其在体内的应用,本文通过用PLGA微球制备人工抗原提呈细胞(AAPC)载体,对其功能进行验证。希望此方法能弥补传统方法的不足。方法:将软脂酸偶联到亲和素上,然后按照传统的复乳法来制备PLGA微球,并且通过使用荧光素(FITC)标记、生物素化的牛血清蛋白(BSA)对其功能进行验证。结果:通过该方法可以得到表面固定生物素的PLGA微球,并且证明软脂酸修饰并未影响到亲和素分子和生物素的结合,生物素化的BSA分子可以有效的结合到微球的表面。结论:PLGA微球表面很难引进合适的化学基团,导致其不能像聚苯乙烯微球那样通过化学反应来将亲和素分子固定在微球的表面上,通过将软脂酸偶联到亲和素分子上,可改变其表面很难引进合适的化学基团的不足,用其微球可用于制备AAPC载体。人工抗原提呈细胞是免疫学研究领域的新思路,可在基础免疫研究和临床治疗方面发挥较大的作用,但作为一门新兴技术,在制备、效果评价及应用方面需要逐渐完善和成熟,用PLGA微球为载体构建,弥补了磁珠、聚苯乙烯不能在体内降解的不足,且安全无毒,可供参考。 Objective: It is difficult to degrade and limit the application commonly used in the body that carrier materials at present.In order to verify the function of artificial introduced antigen presenting cells(AAPC) carrier with PLGA microspheres preparation,this paper focused on its functions that verified by PLGA microspheres preparation artificial introduced antigen presenting cells(AAPC) carrier.Methods: To verify the functions by the means of fluorescein(FITC) mark,biotinylated bovine serum albumin(BSA),with palmitic acid coupled to the avidin,then according to the traditional methods for the preparation of complex milk PLGA microspheres.Results: With this method,we could get the PLGA microspheres of surfaced and fixed biotin and proved that modified palmitic acid did not have the effect on combination of avidin biotin molecules and biotin.Biotinylated BSA molecular can be effectively combined to the surface of the microspheres.Conclusion: It is difficult to introduce suitable chemical genes by PLGA microspheres surface,so it is unlike polystyrene microspheres that through the chemical reaction to avidin molecules immobilized on the surface of the microsphere.Through the will palmitic acid coupled to avidin molecular,the microspheres could change its insufficient that is hard to introduce suitable chemical genes.The microspheres can be used in the preparation of AAPC carrier.Artificial introduced antigen presenting cell is the new idea in the field of immunology research.It can play an important role in the basic research and clinical treatment of immune.But as a new method,it takes a long way to perform and apply in the preparation and evaluation.It could make up for the disadvantages that magnetic beads and polystyrene in the body.What' s more,PLGA microspheres with construction as the carrier could be,safe and non-toxic for further references.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2013年第13期2460-2462,共3页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 PLGA 微球 人工抗原提呈细胞载体 PLGA Microspheres Artificial introduced antigen presenting cell carrier
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