
河池市2000~2011年狂犬病流行特征分析 被引量:2

Epidemiological characteristics of human rabies in Hechi City in 2000-2011 .
摘要 目的分析河池市人间狂犬病流行特征及影响因素,为狂犬病防治提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对河池市2000~2011年狂犬病疫情监测资料进行分析。结果2000~2011年河池市共报告狂犬病318例,年均发病(死亡)率为0.70/10万,2003年后疫情出现回升。各县(市、区)均有病例报告,最少13例,最多48例。农村男性农民和学生是狂犬病高危人群,男女性别比为2.28:1;8月、11月和12月发病较多;伤人动物以犬为主,占92.97%,犬只疫苗接种率较低(25.03%),健康犬脑组织标本狂犬病毒抗原平均阳性率为4.79%;Ⅲ度伤口占52.86%,被动物伤后未接种疫苗的患者占90.75%。结论目前河池市狂犬病疫情形势仍严峻,应加强农村狂犬病的综合防制工作。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of human rabies and the influence factors in Hechi City and to provide scientific evidence for rabies control and prevention. Methods The data of rabies epidemic monitor in Hechi from 2000 to 2011 were analyzed by the method of descriptive epidemiology. Results A total of 318 cases of human rabies in Hechi City were reported from 2000 to 2011 and the average annual incidence of mortality was 0.70/100 000. The epidemic situation has rebounded since 2003. The cases of human rabies were reported in all districts, counties and city, at least 13 cases, up to 48 cases. The male farmers and students in countryside were high-risk populations of rabies and the ratio of cases was 2.28:1 between male and female. Most cases of human rabies occurred in August, November and December. Most attacking animals were dogs(92.97%).The vaccination rate of dog was low(25.03%) and the average positive rate of rabies virus antigen in samples of healthy dog brain tissue was 4.79%. Most wounds were III degree (52.86%) and most patients were populations of unvaccinated vaccine after injured by animals(90.75%). Conclusion The rabies epidemic situation in Hechi was still serious. The comprehensive control and prevention of rabies in countryside needs to be strengthened.
作者 黄革 李建明
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2013年第1期63-65,共3页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 狂犬病 流行特征 综合防制 Rabies Epidemiological characteristics Comprehensive control
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