目的了解咸宁市城区结核病的流行状况和危害程度,为制订结核病控制规划提供依据。方法本次结核病流调采用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取我市咸安区永安大道135-147号(二级站社区)为流调点,确定调查人数1 426人。对所有15岁及以上调查对象作X线胸片检查,对所有有痰的胸部X线检查异常者和肺结核可疑症状者进行3次痰涂片和2次痰培养检查,对所有菌株进行菌种鉴定和一、二线抗结核药品的药物敏感性分析,对发现的所有肺结核患者进行社会经济情况问卷调查。结果咸宁市城区15岁及以上活动性肺结核患病率为717.9/10万,涂阳肺结核患病率为143.6/10万,菌阳患病率为287.2/10万。患者有文化程度低、经济收入少、劳动强度大等特征。结论咸宁市城区活动性肺结核患病率、涂阳肺结核患病率同2000年相比有所下降,但疫情仍然严重,影响肺结核发病的因素依然存在,结核病防治工作仍面临挑战。
Objective To survey the epidemiological features of tuberculosis in urban area of Xianning city of Hebei province. Methods The stratified cluster random sampling method was used to survey the 1 426 persons aobe age of 15 years selected from the communities in Xianan district of Xianning city by X-ray examination. Three sputum smear test and two sputum cultures were carried out among those with abnormal chest X-ray examination. All the mycobacteria were identified and the sensitivity of the mycobacteria to the first- and second-line antituberculosis drugs were tested. In addition, social and economic conditions of all the tuberculosis cases detected were investigated with questionnaire survey.Results The incidence rate of active tuberculosis in residents aged above 15 years in Xianning city wasf 717.9/100 000 population, the smear-positive tuberculosis prevalence was 143.6/100, 000 population and the smear positive prevalence rate was 287.2/100 000 population. The education level ,income of the patients were low with highr labor intensity as well. Conclusion The prevalence of tuberculosis in the last ten years showed a deceasing trend compared to that before 2000 but the incidence rate of tuberculosis was still high and effective measures be carried out too survey the influencing factors and control the prevalence of the disease.
China Tropical Medicine
Prevention and control