
痰培养阳性率和标本送检频率的关系探讨 被引量:4

Analysis of the Relationship of the Positive Rate of Sputum Culture and Specimens Senting Frequency
摘要 目的研究标本送检频率对痰培养阳性率的影响。方法分别对2010~2011年下呼吸道感染患者进行痰培养,呼吸科采用入院日单次送检,老干部科采用连续三日送检,对不同送检频率的痰培养阳性率利用软件SPSS11.5进行χ^2检验分析。结果2010年呼吸科单次和老干部科三次累计阳性率分别为34.4%和62.6%(P〈0.01),2011年分别为36.4%和70.1%(P〈0.01);老干部科第一次和第二次送检2010年的单次阳性率分别为31.4%和66.7%(P〈0.01),累计阳性率分别为31.4%和49.0%(P〈0.01),2011年的单次阳性率分别为35.2%和81.5%(P〈0.01),累计阳性率分别为35.2%和58.3%(P〈0.01);老干部科第二次和第三次送检2010年的单次阳性率分别为66.7%和88.6%(P〈0.01),累计阳性率分别为49.0%和62.6%(P〈0.05),2011年的单次阳性率分别为81.5%和93.5%(P〈0.01),累计阳性率分别为58.3%和70.1%(P〈0.01)。结论连续多次送检可显著提高痰培养阳性率。 Objective To study specimens frequency affecting sputum culture positive rate. Methods Sputum culture of lower respiratory tract infection in the hospital Respiratory and veteran cadres Branch in 2010 and 2011, Respiratory single inspection the day of admission, the veteran cadres Branch for the 3rd submission, the culture positive rate of the different inspection frequency of sputum were analyzed by the χ^2 examinetion of software. Results In 2010 Department of Respiratory single and veteran cadres division three times the cumulative positive rate were 34. 4% and 62.6% (P〈0.01) respectively,and in 2011 were 36.4% and 70. 1% (P〈0.01) respectively. The veteran cadres Branch first and second single positive rate of in 2010 were 31.4% and 66.7% (P〈0.01) ,the cumulative positive rates were 31.4% and 49.0% (P〈0. 01) ,in 2011 single-positive rate were 35.2% and 81.5% (P〈0.01) ,the cumulative positive rates were 35.2% and 58.3% (P〈0. 01). Second and third veteran cadres Branch in 2010 single positive rate were 66. 7% and 88. 6% (P〈0. 01),and the cumulative positive rate were 49.0% and 62.6%(P〈0.05). In 2011,single positive rates were 81.5% and 93.5% (P〈0.01) ,and the cumulative positive rates were 58.3% and 70.1% (P〈0. 01). Conclusion Multiple submissions can significantly increase the sputum culture positive rate.
作者 刘芳 周玉宝
出处 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2013年第2期98-100,共3页 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
关键词 送检频率 痰培养 阳性率 inspection frequency sputum culture positive rate
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