
学生的课程观:被忽视的研究视域 被引量:3

Students' Conceptions:The Neglected Research Scope
摘要 学生的课程观就是学生对课程的基本看法,属于课程和观念研究的范畴。但在实际中,长期处于"被"教育主体地位的学生并没有受到应有的关注。学生对课程有着其独到的看法。由于受到教学过程、文化环境、课程本身以及自我定位等影响,学生对课程的观念具有一定的过程性、文化性、差异性,并呈现出一定类群的相似性。只有关注学生的这种课程声音,了解学生的心声,才能帮助我们真正还原学生主体地位,有效解决课程实施中的问题。 The students' conceptions are their basic views of curriculum,belong to areas of curriculum and conception research.However,since students are usually placed in a passive position in education,studies about students conceptions are quite rare.Students have their original conceptions about the curriculum.Due in the teaching process,cultural environment,curriculum nature and ego orientation,their conceptions show procedural,cultural,differential,and groupment features.Future studies should pay attention to students conception of curriculum.Only by understanding students' real ideas can we help restore the principal position of students.
作者 吴扬 高凌飚
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期45-51,159,共7页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 学生 课程 观念 学生的课程观 students curriculum conceptions students' conceptions of curriculum
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