目的 :探讨腺苷受体拮抗剂氨茶碱在肾上腺素无效的心脏停搏患者心肺复苏中的作用。方法 :对 13例心脏停搏后肾上腺素无效的病例 ,给予静脉注射氨茶碱 (0 5 1 0g) ,观察心律、血压、呼吸等生命体征的变化。结果 :氨茶碱注射后自主循环和自主呼吸恢复率均为 76 9% (10 /13) ,6h存活率为 81 5 % (8/13) ,2 4h存活率为 46 1% (6 /13)。有 1例心肺脑复苏成功 ,意识清楚 ;有 2例心肺复苏成功 ,呈植物状态。结论 :氨茶碱在肾上腺素无效的心跳骤停患者的治疗中起一定作用 ,它有助于心电活动 。
Objective:To determine the effect of aminophylline as an adenosine receptor antagonism on the victims of cardiac arrest refractory to epinephrine. Methods:13 patients with cardiac arrest refractory to epinephrine received aminophylline (0 5~1 0 g,IV). Cardic rhythms, blood prssure and respiration situation were recorded before and after intervention. Results:10 cases had a return of spontaneous circulation and respiration (76 9%,10/13) after aminophylline injection. The survived rate of these patients in 6 h and 24 h was 61 5% (8/13) and 46 1% (6/13) respectively. Only one patient resuscitated successfully and was perfectly conscious. Two cases resuscitated successfully, but their cerebral function was lost. Conclusion:Our results suggest the adenosine receptor antagonism, aminophylline, may have a rloe in the treatment of cardiac arrest refractory to epinephrine, and has some beneficial effect on the returning of organized cardiac electrical activity, spontaneons circulation and respiration.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School