
叙事策略在大学通识课教学中的应用——以一门跨文化比较科目为例 被引量:4

Applying Narrative Strategy in General Education Teaching:A Case Study of an Intercultural Comparison Course
摘要 本文以一门跨文化比较为主题的通识课为个案,从教学方法层面切入,探究采用叙事教学策略后大学生的学习投入与学习结果是否得到改善,在此基础上讨论产生相关变化的原因与意义。教师使用问卷调查方式收集学生对教学活动的意见与反馈,同时对学生的作业进行分析。本研究发现:与学生经验相结合的叙事策略容易引发学生的学习兴趣;教师教学设计的活动会引导学生学习的方向;叙事的教学策略能够帮助学生反思个人经验,在学术概念与建构自我之间产生关联。 This paper uses an intercuhural comparison course as a case to depict the effectiveness of applying narrative strategy in General Education teaching. Students learning outcomes are identified and implications on the GE teaching are discussed. Based on case analysis, the study yields to the following conclusions: 1. Students express their learning interests in writing narrative stories; 2. What faculty prioritize are in line with the learning and knowledge we want students to develop; 3. Narrative strategy helps students to reflect on their life experience and to make connection between student self and academic concepts.
作者 徐慧璇
出处 《复旦教育论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期43-48,共6页 Fudan Education Forum
关键词 通识教育 教学策略 跨文化比较 叙事 反思 General Education Teaching Strategy Intercultural Comparison Narrative Reflective Practice
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