
重度氨中毒伴心肌损伤1例报告 被引量:2

A Case Report of Severe Ammonia Poisoning with Myocardial Damage
摘要 患者男性,26岁,因液氨钢瓶爆裂,吸入氨气中毒昏迷。胸部X线片示:两肺见散在片状模糊阴影;心酶谱检查结果显示:乳酸脱氢酶1193U/L、肌酸激酶1408U/L,肌酸激酶同工酶CK-MB 62U/L,提示出现中毒性心肌损伤。经对症处理、维持气道通畅、纤维支气管镜肺灌洗等治疗后,患者痊愈出院,经随访无后遗症。提示,应当及早预防氨中毒,一旦发生氨中毒,则应及时予以检查,对症救治,谨防心肌损伤。 A male worker, 26 years old, was reported coma with ammonia inhalation due to explosion of a liquid ammonia steel canister. The chest X-ray images revealed scattered patchy shadows in both lungs. The significantly higher levels of lactate dehydrogenase (1 193 U/L), creatine kinase (1408 U/L), and creatine kinase isoenzyme CK-MB (62 U/L) indicated toxic myocardial damage. After treated with mechanical ventilation and lung lavage by hronchoscopy, the patient was recovered and discharged. No further symptom or sign was found in the follow-up visit. It is imperative that employers and employees should take appropriate measures to prevent ammonia intoxication in good time and receive promptly treatment to prevent myocardial damage.
作者 秦宏 徐茜
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期386-387,共2页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 氨气 中毒 心脏损害 ammonia poisoning myocardial damage
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