
东盟安全机制及其特点探究 被引量:6

ASEAN Security Mechanism and Its Characteristics
摘要 冷战时期,东盟将美苏角力、分离主义等视为威胁东南亚各国国家安全的主要因素,孱弱的东南亚各国为了化解威胁,一方面积极推进东南亚国家联盟的步伐,另一方面努力探索东盟安全机制的构建。1967年东盟正式成立后,东盟先后签署和发布了《曼谷宣言》、《吉隆坡宣言》、《巴厘协议》和《东南亚友好合作条约》。这一系列条约、协议和宣言就东盟安全机制的决策机构、运行原则等有关问题进行了初步界定,东盟安全机制初露端倪。在其四十余年的发展进程中,东盟安全机制框架逐步形成,主要表现在多元安全决策主体体制的确立、安全运行原则的恪守以及争端处置程序的设定等方面。尽管此机制框架尚处于初级阶段,但它在化解东南亚国家安全问题和维护地区和平与稳定等方面提供了良好的制度性保障,发挥着积极的作用。需要警醒的是,东盟安全机制所彰显出的大国平衡性、制约中国的针对性和多边主义转型的时代性,对中国周边特别是南海地区安全形势产生了深远的影响,必须及时做出战略性应对。 During the Cold War,the US-Soviet wartime alliance,separatism and communist movement had posed a clear security threat to the Southeast Asian nations.To solve the crisis,the weak Southeast Asia actively promoted the ASEAN on the one hand and voluntarily explored to build the ASEAN security mechanism on the other.The Bangkok Declaration(1967),the Kuala Lumpur Declaration(1971),the Bali Protocol(1976) and the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation which delineated the relating principles,such as the decision-making body and the operation principle of ASEAN,were successively signed and issued in the wake of the ASEAN establishment in 1967.Since then,security mechanism in Southeast Asia had taken its initial shape.The preliminary framework of ASEAN security mechanism was formed in the past 40 years through the establishment of multiple security decisionmaking system,the abidance of safety operation principle and the setting of dispute settlement.Although this mechanism is still at an early stage,ASEAN has played an active role in providing a firm institutional guarantee to solve security problem and in maintaining peace and stability in Southeast Asia.We should make strategic responses to the security mechanism of ASEAN,which highlighted signal features of balance of power,targeted restraint on China’s development,and a transition of multilateralism,in respect that it may have far-reaching effects on China’s security environment in neighboring region,especially in South China Sea.
作者 李文良
出处 《国际安全研究》 2013年第2期136-153,159-160,共18页 Journal of International Security Studies
关键词 东盟 中美关系 东盟安全机制 博弈 ASEAN,Sino-US Relations,ASEAN security mechanism,features of security mechanism,strategy game
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