
第一代氨基化胶原纤维的制备及其对染料的吸附性能研究 被引量:1

Preparation of aminated collagen fibers and its application in adsorption of dyes
摘要 以乙二胺(EDA)为原料、三聚氰氯(CNC)为交联剂对制备的猪皮胶原纤维(CF)进行氨基化改性,得到以胶原纤维为基质的第一代氨基化胶原纤维(ACF-1)吸附材料;用水杨醛法测定了改性前后胶原纤维中氨基含量的变化,并用扫描电镜(SEM)和红外光谱(FTIR)分别对改性前后胶原纤维的组织形态及分子结构进行表征;将制备的吸附材料用于染料吸附试验,通过单因素法分别考察了吸附剂用量、染料质量浓度、温度、pH和吸附时间对染料吸附的影响. The adsorption materials were obtained using first generation of aminated collagen fibers (ACF-1) as substrate, which was prepared by modifying the pig skin collagen fibers with ethylenediamine and cynuric chloride as crosslinking agent. The change of amino groups content of collagen fibers and animated collagen fibers were measured by salicylaldehyde method. The morphology of organization and molecular structure of CF and ACF-1 were characterized and analyzed by SEM and FTIR, respectively. The prepared materials were applied in adsorption of dyes. The influences of adsorbent dosage, dye initial concentrtion, temperature, pH, and reaction time on the dye adsorption were investigated by single factor experiment.
出处 《印染助剂》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第5期16-19,共4页 Textile Auxiliaries
基金 陕西省教育厅自然科学基金(12JK0594) 咸阳市科技计划项目(2011K10-11) 西安市未央区科技计划项目(201118)
关键词 乙二胺(EDA) 三聚氰氯(CNC) 胶原纤维(CF) 氨基化改性 染料吸附 ethylenediamine cynuric chloride collagen fibers aminated modification dye adsorption
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