该文研究了不同碳浓度和碳氮比对松材线虫内寄生真菌Esteya vermicola菌丝生物量和孢子产量的影响。不同碳浓度和碳氮比的20种液体培养基培养E.vermicola 6 d后测定孢子产量和菌丝生物量,当碳浓度为12 g/L、碳氮比为40∶1时,孢子产量最高;碳浓度为12 g/L,碳氮比为5∶1时,菌丝生物量最高。从碳浓度为12 g/L,碳氮比为5∶1的培养基连续培养13 d的E.vermicola生长曲线中发现,培养第7天时菌丝体达到最大值,第11天时孢子产量最高。结果表明,碳浓度和碳氮比对真菌菌丝生长和产孢的影响是不同的。
The effect of carbon concentration and carbon to nitrogen ratio in liquid culture on the growth and sporulation of the endoparasitic nematophagous fungus, Esteya vermincola, was examined. The fungus had extensive growth on the media supplemented with 20 different carbon concentrations and C/N ratios, conidia concentration and mycelia biomass was measured after 6 days' cultivation. The C/N ratio of 40:1 and 12 g/L carbon gave the maximum yield of conidia and the C/N ratio of 5:1 and 12 g/L carbon gave the maximum biomass. A growth curve of E. vermicola was obtained in the medium contained 12 g/L carbon and C/N ratio of 5:1 after 13 days' cultivation and the mycelia and conidia growth reached the peak on the 7th day and 11th day respectively. The results indicated that the influence of carbon concentration and C/N ratio on fungal growth and sporulation was different.
Forest Pest and Disease