
高低强迫清洗倾向个体对负性情绪注意偏向的差异 被引量:5

Difference of the Attentional Bias for Negative Emotional Stimuli in High and Low Obsessive-Compulsive Washing Tendency Individuals
摘要 本研究采用返回抑制范式,以诱发厌恶、恐惧和中性情绪的图片为线索,考察高、低强迫清洗倾向个体对负性情绪刺激注意偏向的差异及其发生机制。结果表明:(1)被试对诱发厌恶和恐惧的图片均产生了注意偏向且注意偏向是由注意解除困难所引起;(2)被试对诱发厌恶图片的注意偏向程度显著大于对诱发恐惧图片的注意偏向程度;(3)高、低强迫清洗倾向个体对诱发厌恶和恐惧图片的注意偏向程度之间的组间差异均不显著。 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by obsessions and compulsions, these symptoms may result from the impairment of information processing or attentional bias for stimuli perceived as threatening. Many previous studies on attentional bias in OCD have yielded conflicting results. The present study aimed to explore the mechanism and difference of attentional bias for negative emotional stimuli between individuals with high and low obsessive-compulsive tendency for washing. Padua Inventory ( Chinese version) was used to select 16 high ( upper 10% ) and 16 low ( lower 10% ) obsessive-compulsive washing-tendency individuals. Inhibition of return paradigm was used, in which disgust, fear and neutral emotion pictures were used as cues. Stimuli were presented on a Pentium IV, and participants viewed the monitor from a distance of approximately 60cm. There were 8 pictures for each picture type, which provoke disgust, fear and neutral emotion respectively. Every picture was presented 3 times as valid and 3 times as invalid cues. Additionally, there were 24 catch trials, adding up to a total of 168 trials in the experiment. In each trial, a fixation cross was presented in the center of the display together with two peripheral boxes, one to the left and another to the right of the fixation cross. 500ms later, the participant was presented with pictures provoking disgust, fear or neutral emotion at one of two possible locations. After 400ms, the cue picture was removed and followed by a gap of 50ms before the target dot appeared at the center of one of the two boxes. Participants were instructed to make response to the target, which was presented at the cued location or at the uneued location, as quickly and accurately as possible. Correct target trials were used to calculate the mean RTs for each participant and condition.Target RTs were then submitted to a three-way repeated-measures analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) with cue type (pictures provoking disgust, fear and neutral emotion) , cue validity (valid and invalid) as within-subject factors and subjects group (high and low obsessive-compulsive washing-tendency individuals) as between-subjects factors. The results showed: (1) The interaction between the cue type and the cue validity was significant, F (2, 60) = 26. 503,p 〈 . 001 ,η2 =. 469. When the target appeared in the uneued location, subjects showed slower response following cue provoking disgust and fear relative to following cue provoking neutral emotion, suggesting that high and low obsessive-compulsive washing-tendency individuals had attentional bias for pictures provoking disgust and fear, and the mechanism is difficulty of attention disengagement. (2) The attentional bias index for pictures provoking disgust was significantly greater compared to that for pictures provoking fear( F = 29. 57 ,p 〈 . 001 ,η2 =. 496 ) , suggesting that the extent of attentional bias for pictures provoking disgust was significantly higher than that for pic- tures provoking fear. (3) The difference of attentional bias index for disgust and fear between two groups was not significant, it showed that the extent of attentional bias for pictures provoking disgust and fear bad no group differences, it was considered to be related to many factors such as the selected pictures, severity of clinical symptoms and the quantity of the participants.
作者 徐玲 邓晓红
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期669-674,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30970893) 华中师范大学人的发展与心理健康湖北省重点实验室开放课题项目(200901) 湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(2009y003)的资助
关键词 强迫清洗倾向 厌恶 注意偏向 返回抑制 high and low obsessive-compulsive washing tendency individuals, disgust, attentional bias, inhibition of return
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