
人冻干血小板复水程序的优化 被引量:1

Preliminary study on the rehydrated conditions for lyophilized human platelets
摘要 目的探讨不同复水条件对冻干血小板功能的影响。方法经过添加激活抑制剂(PGE1、左旋精氨酸、植酸钠和百维利肽)、DMSO和海藻糖等低温保护剂、冷冻干燥后获得冻干血小板,在一系列不同复水程序下对冻干血小板复水,应用流式仪检测并分析其CD62p和PAC-1的表达,评价血小板活化状态。通过正交设计,研究不同复水程序包括复水溶液、复水温度、复水方式3个影响因素对冻干血小板复水后活性的影响。结果 3个对冻干血小板复水后活化的影响因素排序:复水温度>复水方式>复水液(P<0.05);37℃条件下冻干血小板复水后血小板膜蛋白CD62p和PAC-1活化率最低,分别为(5.96±2.51)%和(4.55±1.97)%;预水化后再行四步添加复水可降低冻干血小板膜蛋白CD62p和PAC-1的表达率至(6.68±2.62)%和(5.45±2.06)%;添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)和血小板抑制剂的2号复水液对冻干血小板复水后膜蛋白CD62p和PAC-1的表达率影响最低,分别为(6.72±3.35)%和(5.28±2.30)%。总体模型评价进一步显示,第5实验组,即在37℃条件下加入PVP和血小板抑制剂的复水液配方,先预水化后再行四步法添加复水,其复水血小板活化率最低,CD62p和PAC-1的表达率分别为(3.06±1.36)%和(2.70±0.84)%。结论 37℃下,饱和蒸汽环境中预水化后,采用加入PVP及血小板抑制剂的复水液四步添加复水,其复水血小板活化率最低。 Objective To explore the effect of different rehydration conditions on function of the lyophilized plate- lets. Methods After the lyophilization, platelets were given different rehydration conditions including different formula of rehydration solution, the rehydration temperature and the addictive method of rehydration solution using the orthogonal de- sign. The expression of CD62p and PAC-1 were measured as the indexes of platelet activation. Results The impact of 3 factors from large to small order on viability of freeze-dried platelets was rehydration temperature, addictive method of rehydration solution and formular of rehydration solution, which all showed significantly different ( P 〈 0. 05 ). If freeze-dried platelets were rehydrated under 37℃ , the expression of membrane protein CD62p and PAC-1 was the lowest, which was (5.96±2. 51 ) % and (4. 55 ± 1.97) % , respectively. If the freeze-dried platelets were rehydrated by the vapor first and then rehydration solution by 4 steps, the expression of platelet membrane protein CD62p and PAC-1 was also reduced, which was (6. 68 ± 2. 62 ) % and (5.45 ± 2. 06 ) %, respectively. If freeze-dried platelets were rehydrated with the second rehydration solution with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and platelet inhibitors,the expression of membrane protein CD62p and PAC- 1 was the lowest, which was ( 6.72 ± 3.35 ) % and ( 5.28± 2.30) %, respectively. Tile overall evaluation model also showed that the 5th experimental groups of freeze-dried platelets was optimal whose procedure was the rehydration solution with PVP, and platelet inhibitors and rehydrated by the vapor first, and then rehydration solution by 4 steps under 37 ℃. After rehydration, the activation of platelets was the lowest, with the expression of CD62p and PAC-1 of (3. 06 ± 1.36)% and (2. 70 ± 0. 84)%, respectively. Conclusion The experimental results showed that with preliminary hydration in 37℃sat- urated steam environment, using rehydration solution combined with PVP and platelet inhibitors 4 steps adding procedure, rehydrated platelets showed the lowest platelet activation rate. But whether as freeze-dried platelets rehydration program recommended, we still need further experimental studies.
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期338-342,共5页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
基金 国家自然科学基金(30271443)
关键词 血小板 冻干 复水 血小板活化 血小板抑制剂 platelet lyophilization rehydration platelet activation platelet inhibitor
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