
我国循证全科医疗实践的模式特点及问题 被引量:3

Mode Feature and Attention of Evidence-Based General Practice in China
摘要 全科医学是一门新兴学科,与循证医学有着"以患者为中心"和"以证据为基础"的共同特点。循证医学方法现已渗透到临床实践的各个领域,在包括全科医学在内的众多医疗卫生及医学教育等领域有不同程度的应用。本文通过探讨目前中国全科医生开展循证实践的意义、实践的模式特点及实践中需注意的问题,以期为促进我国循证全科医疗实践提供借鉴。 General practice is a new discipline, and it is in common with evidence-based medicine for the features of "patient-centered" and "evidence-based". Evidence-based medicine has spread in all fields of clinical practice, and it has been applied to different extents in many medical health and medical education fields including general practice. This pa- per aims to discuss and analyze the significance, modes and attentions of evidence-based general practice, so as to provide further references for promoting the practice of evidence-based general practice in China.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2013年第5期616-620,共5页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
关键词 全科医疗 循证医学 General practice Evidence-based medicine
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