
国外碳中和理论研究与实践发展述评 被引量:53

A Systematic Review of International Theory, Research and Practice on Carbon Neutrality
摘要 碳中和是应对全球温室效应问题的一个重要环境管理工具。本文通过应用信息可视化软件CiteSpaceⅡ生成碳中和理论研究的知识图谱,深入分析了国际碳中和理论研究的知识基础和前沿演进轨迹,发现国外学术界的研究焦点放在了全球碳市场、碳市场设计、森林碳补偿和碳泄漏等关键难题上;通过对比分析澳大利亚、新西兰、英国和加拿大等国的碳中和制度的主要内容与影响,揭示了碳中和制度演进路径,发现英国和澳大利亚在碳中和制度建设与应用方面处于国际领先地位;从联合国、国家、城市和大学校园4个层面解读了碳中和战略计划制定与执行情况;基于组织、活动和产品与服务碳中和案例介绍了碳中和的具体操作方法。最后,指出未来碳中和制度发展的关键在于碳补偿标准制定与推行和全球碳市场规范化程度。这为构建我国碳中和制度体系,促进碳排放权交易市场良性发展,实现节能减排目标有重要的指导意义。 Carbon neutrality is an important environmental management tool to deal with the global greenhouse effect. Here, we review the knowledge base and front evolution path of international carbon neutral theory research based on knowledge mapping by applying the information visualization software CiteSpace II. International academic research focuses on the global carbon market and carbon market design, forest carbon offsets, carbon leakage, and other key problems. Main themes include: (1) carbon neutrality balances the ethical relationship between consumers and carbon offset market tensions, but environmental standards that regular consumption stakeholders easily understand and that meet the needs of the carbon provider are needed; (2) Bioenergy development can lead to a significant increase in food prices; (3) Forest carbon sinks have leakage and non-persistent problems, and carbon estimation models require further work; (4) Voluntary carbon offsets that alleviate potential tourist traffic emissions are undervalued. A review of applications of carbon neutral theory across the world revealed the following: (1) British and Australian national carbon neutral systems are international leaders in construction and application; (2) Carbon neutral strategic plans involve intemational organizations, national level, city level and college level. Carbon neutral practice involves the organizations level, activities level and the product level; (3) The key to the development of future carbon neutral systems is carbon offset standard formulation and global carbon market standardization. This review highlights areas can that guide the construction of China's carbon neutral svstem.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1084-1094,共11页 Resources Science
基金 国家社科基金青年项目:"我国产品碳标签制度设计与运行管理机制研究"(编号:11CGL064) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:"后京都时代我国产品碳足迹核算标准与碳标签制度发展研究"(编号:10YJCZH024) 国家社科基金重大项目:"基于CGE模型的产业结构调整污染减排效应和政策研究"(编号:11&ZD043) 湖南省软科学重点项目:"湖南省低碳高效农业发展的模式 机制与公共政策研究"(编号:2010ZK2012) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金重点项目:"产业结构调整的污染减排潜力研究"(编号:12ZDB12)
关键词 碳中和 碳补偿 碳市场 自愿碳减排标准 碳信用额度 Carbon neutral Carbon offsets Carbon market Emission reduction Carbon credits China
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