
微小RNA在卵巢癌中的作用 被引量:4

Tiny RNA in ovarian cancer's effect
摘要 微小RNA是一长约21~23nt的内源性非编码小RNA,其在转录后水平负调节靶基因的表达。一个肿瘤相关的miRNA通常可以同时调节几个癌基因和抑癌基因的表达水平,因此miRNA与肿瘤的发生、发展和预后有着密切的联系。研究发现,miRNA在卵巢癌中表达明显改变,基于微阵列芯片检测的卵巢癌相关miRNA达谱和后续的对个别miRNA的深入研究,发现其与卵巢癌的发生、发展、复发、耐药等密切相关,有望用于卵巢癌早期诊断、复发检测、预后判定及治疗。 Small RNA is a length of about 21 to 23nt endogenous non - coding small RNA, its at the posttranscriptional level neg- atively regulate the expression of target genes. A tumor associated with miRNA usually can also modulate several onto genes and tumor suppressor genes expression levels, so miRNA and tumor occurrence, development and prognosis are closely linked. Study finds miR- NA expression was significantly altered in ovarian cancer. Based on microarray detection of ovarian cancer associated miRNA expres- sion profiling and follow up on individual miRNA thorough research, and it was found ovarian cancer occurrence, development, re- lapse, drug resistance and other closely related, are expected to be used in early diagnosis of ovarian cancer, recurrence detection, prognosis and treatment.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2013年第5期143-145,52,共4页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 微小RNA 卵巢癌 诊断 治疗 Tiny RNA Ovarian carcinoma Diagnosis Treatment
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