本文着重介绍了SF6微水在线监测系统的设计,分析了监测系统所用的测量原理、硬件方案、软件方案。本系统在乌兰察布电业局德胜变电站110kV SF6断路器安装运行结果表明,该系统微水测量的可信度、精确度和稳定性较高,在电力系统中对SF6微水含量进行在线监测具有重要意义。
This paper emphatically introduces design of online monitoring system for moisture content for SF6 circuit breaker, include sensor measurement principle, hardware design and software design. The working result of the system which was installed in Desheng transformer substation of Ulanqab power supply bureau show that the system have high reliability, accuracy and stability, it has the important meaning to online monitoring for moisture content in SF6 circuit breaker.
Electrical Engineering