
基于蔬菜安全生产的农药研发和使用现状分析研究——来自全国农药登记药效试验技术负责人群体的调查报告 被引量:5

Research Development and Application Situation of Agrochemicals Based on the Safety Vegetable Production——Investigation Report from National Qualification Scientists of Filed Agrochemical’ s Registration Experiment
摘要 对我国农药研发和使用现状进行系统分析,为满足蔬菜安全生产的农药研究和科学应用提供科学依据。设计了"基于蔬菜安全生产的农药研发和使用现状"调查问卷,以占全国农药田间药效试验技术负责人群体57.97%的个体为样本实施抽样调查。结果表明:具有较高的生物活性(72.11%,受访者比例,后同)和对环境影响小(54.74%)是农药研究开发成功最重要的因素;田间药效试验投入偏低,应该加强试验标准建设,提高各单位试验水平。农药使用管理最受关注的问题主要是产品质量、市场价格和管制机制;蔬菜生产中农药使用管理计划、全过程控制计划、高毒化学农药的管制等亟待加强。农药速效性和价格是影响农户购药行为最重要的因素,农户选择购买蔬菜上的农药主要依靠经销人员推荐;影响农药防治效果最主要的因素是药剂本身特性(69.47%)和施药人员素质(35.26%);使用农药存在的主要问题是使用不科学(72.63%)、农药品种选择不正确(65.79%);对蔬菜安全生产影响最大农药种类是杀虫剂(81.58%)。蔬菜等农产品质量安全状况备受关注和担忧(96.84%)。建议政府完善相关法律法规,加速农药科学研究和推广,推动使用技术培训和宣传普及,实行农药市场准入制度,加强蔬菜生产过程监管和指导,确保蔬菜产品质量安全。 Provide a theoretical basis for taking ozone as a soil fumigant for the prevention and control of soil-borne fungal diseases in vegetable production. The inhibition effect of ozone fumi- gation on three kinds of soil-borne pathogenic fungi, including Fuarium oxysporum f.sp. cuc- umerinum, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. conglutinans and Fusarium verticil- lioides, was detected by means of mycelium growth rate method, after the mycelia and spores were treated. The results indicated that the mycelium was inhibited significantly after ozone fumi- gation treatment on the concentrations ranging from 62mg/m3 to 72mg/m3. The inhibition rate was increased with the prolongation of treatment time, and reached 90% when the time lasted to 120min for all treatments. Hyphae amount showed significantly reducing, mycelium gathering, curling, local swelling, and septum disappearing were observed, after Ozone treatment. Be sides, ozene treatment had inhibition effect on the spores germination of Fuarium oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. conglutinans and Fusarium verticillioides, with ozone concentration of 40mg/m3. Conclusively, the inhibition rate of spore's germination was increased as the prolongation of treatment time and the shortening of spore's cultivation time. The inhibi- tion rate reached 100% when ozene treatment was take right after spores plating.In this study, it is shown that the inhibition effect of ozone treatment on three kinds of soil-borne pathogenic fun- gi was significant. Ozone, as a soil fumigant, is hopefully used for more soil-borne diseases control, after confirmation by more field trials.
出处 《农药科学与管理》 CAS 2013年第5期10-19,共10页 Pesticide Science and Administration
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0128)资助
关键词 蔬菜生产 农药研发 施药技术 农产品安全 问卷调查 ozone fumigant soil-borne diseases of vegetables pathogens of wilt rhizocto- nia solani inhibition
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