Objective:To study the sectional anatomic feature of intracranial and meatal segments of fa cial and vestibulocochlear nerves in order to provide anatomic basis for the imaging diagnosis and clinical sur geon of the related lesions. Methods:The travel regularity and adjacent relationship of intracranial and meatal segments of facial and vestibulocochlear nerves were explored on head sections of 69 adult specimens ( axial 36, coronal 15 and sagittal 18 ) , and were compared with MRI from 10 alive healthy adults. Results:Accompanying with each other, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves crossed the cerebellopontine angle cistem laterally and hori zontally, and arrived in the internal auditory canal. The internal auditory canal was an important indicatory mark for the identification of facial and vestibulocochlear nerves, and the flocculonodule was also useful for their identification in transverse sections. Conclusions : Both of transverse and coronal sections can clearly display in tracranial segment of facial and vestibulocochlear nerves, and sagittal sections can display their meatal segment well.
Anatomy and Clinics