

The Transformation of Intimacy in a Modern City as Exemplified by the Plight of Visual Transformation of Sing-song Girls of Shanghai
摘要 现代社会的亲密性,很大程度上关涉到主体如何通过外向的和内向的叙事,在想象性的关系中确认自我的问题。而大众媒介又增加了这一问题的复杂性,它推动城市公共叙事的私语化与私人书写的公共化,二者共同建立了隐私的公共话语体系,即一种"公共的亲密性"。基于上述观察,将特定的文本叙事与关于亲密性的讨论相联系,探讨120年前问世的小说《海上花列传》在其自身的图文转译中,以及百年之后在向电影《海上花》的视觉转译中,如何铭刻并参与了现代都市的亲密性之变,其中暴露出的焦虑与困境又如何成为更大范围的认同危机的一种症候。 Intimacy in a modern society determines to a great extent how the subject defines the ego in a web of imaginary relations through extroverted and introverted narratives, a problem the complexity of which is further aggravated by the mass media. It brings about a privacy of urban public narrative and a publicity of private narrative, two features that combine to set up a public discourse system, a 'public intimacy' , so to speak. Based on the observation above, this paper, by relating textual narrative with a discussion of intimacy, attempts to explore how the novel Sing-song Girls of Shanghai which came out 120 years ago registered and participated in the transformation of intimacy in a modern city through its own textual and pictorial transformation, how a century later the film version of the novel fulfills the same task through its visual transforma- tion and how the anxiety and the dilemmas that have been experienced in the process have become a symptom of identity cri- sis on a wider scale.
作者 周诗岩
出处 《美育学刊》 2013年第3期41-51,共11页 Journal of Aesthetic Education
基金 2012年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目<包豪斯思想史及其中国谱系>(12YJC760127)的阶段性成果
关键词 《海上花列传》 亲密性 叙事 图像 认同 Sing-song Girls of Shanghai intimacy narrative images identity
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