目的加强归国劳务人员疟疾筛查,探讨输入性疟疾传播规律,提出口岸疟疾防控工作措施。方法选择泰州市某劳务公司23名赤道几内亚归国人员,通过流行病学个案调查、医学检查等方法,筛查疟疾感染情况。结果 23名归国人员中,18人曾在国外感染疟疾,占筛查总人数的78.2%,其中出境1个月内发病15人,占总病例数的83.3%,归国后有1人被确诊为恶性疟疾。结论口岸疟疾防控工作应关注归国劳务人员群体,加强出国前健康宣教,坚决取缔"黑中介",加大归国后疟疾筛查力度,建立部门间联防联控机制,有效防止输入性疟疾的传入。
Objective To strengthen malaria screening among the inbound laborers, to explore regular pattern of the imported malaria and to propose the prevention and control measures at ports. Methods 23 inbound laborers of a labor service company in Taizhou City are selected, screened for malaria infection by epidemiological case in- vestigation and medical examination. Results 18 laborers have ever infected with malaria while abroad, account- ing for 78.2% of the 23, and 15 laborers have ~uffered from malaria within one month, accounting for 83.3% of the 18. One laborer has been diagnosed as faleiparum malaria inbound. Conclusion More attention should be paid to the inbound laborer groups in the malaria prevention and control work at ports. In order to prevent the im- ported malaria effectively, we should also strengthen health education among the laborers and intensify the malaria screening efforts after inbound, resolutely ban the illegal agency and establish the departmental joint prevention and control cooperation mechanism.
Port Health Control
Inbound laborers malaria screening