Objective To analyze the causes and feature of nursing adverse events in order to make the strategies to avoid adverse events and enhance mental disorder patients safety management. Methods A total of 120 cases of nursing adverse events reported from 2009 to 2011 in Xiamen Mental Health Center were retrospectively analyzed, including the categorization, causes, time distribution, and injury degree. Results ①The top three kinds of nursing adverse events were falls (45.8%) , escapes ( 15.8% ) , self-injury and hurt behav-iors ( 11.7% ) . ② The legal consequences of the most serious is the suicide, escape , self - injury and hurt behaviors of the inpatients. ③ More nursing adverse events (66.7%) was occurred on daytime. Conclusions The fundamental way of reducing the incidence of adverse e-vents is to improve staff arrangement, build up a safety culture, Improve nursing process, strengthen nurse training regularly to enhance their risk awareness and general quality. Moreover, it would be effective to reform the scheduling model and strengthen the health education based on mental disorder patients needs.
international journal of nursing
Mental disorder
Safety management
Adverse e-vent
Health education