By applying an appropriate Pekeris approximation to deal with the centrifugal term, we present an approximate systematic solution of the two-body spinless Salpeter (SS) equation with the Woods-Saxon interaction potential for an arbitrary/-state. The analytical semi-relativistic bound-state energy eigenvalues and the corresponding wave functions are calculated. Two special cases from our solution are studied: the approximated SchrSdinger- Woods-Saxon problem for an arbitrary/-state and the exact s-wave (l=0).
By applying an appropriate Pekeris approximation to deal with the centrifugal term, we present an approximate systematic solution of the two-body spinless Salpeter (SS) equation with the Woods-Saxon interaction potential for an arbitrary/-state. The analytical semi-relativistic bound-state energy eigenvalues and the corresponding wave functions are calculated. Two special cases from our solution are studied: the approximated SchrSdinger- Woods-Saxon problem for an arbitrary/-state and the exact s-wave (l=0).