
陕西农村0~18月龄婴幼儿贫血状况及影响因素调查 被引量:7

State and influencing factors for anemia of infants aged 0-18 months in rural area of Shaanxi province
摘要 目的:了解陕西农村贫血状况及其影响因素,为合理防止提供科学依据。方法:采取整群分层抽样的方法对陕西省19个自然村336名0~18月龄婴幼儿进行问卷调查和血红蛋白的测定。结果:该地区0~18月龄婴幼儿贫血患病率为35.12%,0~18个月婴幼儿中0~3月龄组贫血患病率最低,为13.33%,随月龄增大贫血患病率逐渐增高,至13~18月龄组达最高(50.82%)。出生时低体重(<2 500 g)、家庭经济状况差以及母亲的教育程度低均为婴幼儿患贫血的危险因素。结论:陕西农村地区0~18月龄婴幼儿贫血患病率明显高于全国水平和大多数省市婴幼儿的贫血患病率,处于较高的水平,应广泛开展健康教育,加强孕期保健,提高母亲的喂养技术,预防和改善婴幼儿贫血。 Objective: To explore the state and influencing factors for anemia of infants aged 0 - 18 months in rural area of Shaanxi province and provide scientific basis for preventing from anemia. Methods: 336 infants aged 0 - 18 months were selected from 19 village by stratified sampling. Questionnaire survey was done and hemoglobin was analyzed by blood routine examination. Results: The anemia prevalence rate of infants aged 0 - 18 months was 35. 10% and increased with the age increasing. The anemia prevalence rate of infants aged 13 - 18 months was highest (50. 82% ). Low birth weight ( 〈2 500 g) was the risk factor of suffering anemia, longer mother's school years and higher family's average month income were protective factors of anemia. Conclusion: Compared to the nationwide and most other provinces and cities, the prevalence rate of anemia of infants aged 0 - 18 months in rural area of Shaanxi province is higher. It is advised to develop health education widely since duration of pregnancy, improve the feeding techniques of the people who take care, especially mother's feeding methods to decrease prevalence rate of infantile anemia.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第12期1897-1899,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 瑞士儿童营养国际合作项目〔99001〕
关键词 血红蛋白 贫血 影响因素 婴幼儿 Hemoglobin Anemia Influencing factors Infant
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