一、前言 南水北调是我国水资源优化配置,解决北方地区(主要是黄淮海流域)缺水的一项战略性基础设施工程,它关系到我国黄淮海地区经济社会和生态环境可持续发展的长远利益。40多年来,各有关部门、省(自治区、直辖市)和规划设计单位做了大量的规划设计研究工作,逐步明确了南水北调工程的主要目标和任务,形成了从长江上、中、下游分别调水的南水北调工程总体规划布局。
The South to North Water Diversion is a strategic project for the optimized allocation of China's water resources and the solution of water scarcity problem in the northern China (mainly the Yellow-Huai-Hai Plain), and is concerned with the long term benefits of e-conomic, social and ecological sustainability in that region. In the last 40 years, a lot of planning and design studies have been carried out by related departments, provinces and planning and design agencies, thus having clarified step by step the main objectives and tasks and formed an overall layout of three routes of diversion from the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, respectively. The plan presented by the Ministry of Water Resources for the construction of the project has been discussed with related ministries and local governments, and necessary conditions are already available for decision making on this project. The State Council required that the Ministry present the overall planning report on the project in the first half of year 2001.
China Water Resources
South to North Water Diversion water resources in the northern China sustainability