

Security scheme of XML database service using improved polyphonic splitting
摘要 如何为企业和组织提供安全的XML数据库服务是云计算数据服务的重要研究内容。基于秘密共享的思想,提出了一种改进多项式划分的XML数据库安全服务方案——IPSS-XML。该方案在不降低安全性的前提下,通过以较小的数据预处理代价为XML中的每个非叶子节点添加辅助验证数据的方法,克服了已有方案中元素值验证算法效率低的缺点,提高了查询执行效率。 Outsourcing data owner' s data to Database Services Provider (DSP) securely provides XML database service for companies and organizations, which is an important data service form in cloud computing. This paper proposed an improved polyphonic splitting scheme for XML database service ( IPSS-XML). IPSS-XML overcame the drawback of low verifying efficiency in other existing schemes by adding an Assistant Verifying Data (AVD) to each non-leaf node at low cost. The improvement enhances query executing efficiency without breaking the confidentiality constraints.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1637-1641,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 XML数据库服务 机密性 秘密共享 多项式划分 辅助验证数据 XML database as a service confidentiality secret sharing polynomial splitting assistant verifying data
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