泄洪坝段后期通水在实际操作中可根据接缝灌浆工期、坝体内部温度、坝块的形象灵活掌握。后期冷却通水成功的关键是 :方案要切合实际 ;科学确定通水时间 ;准确推算内部温度 ,把握结束通水的最佳时间。
In the actual operation of the post-construction water and cooling water supply through water pipes in concrete at the spillway section, operation procedures and calculation methods should be applied flexibly according to the duration of joint grout, the internal temperature of dam, the construction progress of monolithic blocks. The key to success in the post cooling water supply will be dependent on the appropriate construction program worked out in accordance with the actual conditions, definition of time for water supply, and the accurate evaluation of the internal temperature and control of the optimum end time for water supply.
China Three Gorges Construction