
TiO_2对镁碳复合纳米材料吸放氢性能的影响研究 被引量:2

Effect of TiO_2 on hydriding-dehydriding properties of magnesium/carbon composite nanomaterials
摘要 将TiO2引入镁碳复合材料中反应球磨,在快速纳米化的过程中,TiO2纳米颗粒较容易镶嵌到金属Mg和碳的基体中,对复合材料的吸放氢性能具有良好的催化作用。DSC分析表明,(70Mg30C)2TiO2材料的初始放氢温度比MgH2降低了95℃,高峰放氢温度也降低了80℃。当TiO2的添加量为2%(质量分数,下同)时,(70Mg30C)2TiO2反应球磨储氢密度达到最大值4.78%,300℃放氢量达到3.75%。 In this paper, the catalysis of TiO2 compounded with Mg/C material within reaction ball milling for hy driding-dehydriding properties was studied. The nanometer particles of TiO2 was embed to Mg/C hydrogen storage materi- als, TiO2 used as catalyst to improving hydriding-dehydriding properties of composites. DSC analysis showed that the (70Mg30C)-2TiO2 dehydriding temperature was lowered 95℃ compared with pure MgH2, hydrogen storage density was bigger 4. 78 %. hydrogen-Dehydriding capacity was3.75% when temperature instantaneous to elevate 200℃.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期82-83,90,共3页 New Chemical Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21176145)
关键词 镁粉 TIO2 纳米晶 吸放氢性能 magnesium,TiO2,nanocrystallization , hydriding-dehydriding property
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