Characterization of Fresh Cheese with Addition of Probiotics and Prebiotics
Characterization of Fresh Cheese with Addition of Probiotics and Prebiotics
Sensorial and microbiological characteristics of a Brazilian fresh cheese samples with Bifidobacterium animalis subps. lactis as well as samples with this probiotic and polydextrose, a prebiotic ingredient, were evaluated. The addition of this microorganism was studied as: (1) lyophilized probiotic added to cheese curd and (2) by using milk previously fermented by this probiotic to produce the cheese. Cheese samples were microbiologically characterized after 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of storage at a temperature of 4 ℃. The microbiological analyses conducted were quantification of total lactic acid bacteria, mesophilic microorganisms, Bif. animalis subps, lactis, coliforms at 30 ℃ and 45 ℃. Affective sensory test was conducted for two different cheese samples (with probiotic and with probiotic and prebiotic) as well as for control one week after manufacturing date. Cheese samples provided acceptable results for coliform counts at 30 ℃ and 45 ℃ in compliance with legislation. The cheese samples produced using milk fermented by probiotic showed counts of 107-108 CFU/g after 28 days of storage, which assures functional property for this product to be claimed.
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