
我国四川、新疆两省人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者固定性伴侣暴露前预防用药接受意愿分析 被引量:3

Analysis of the willingness to accept pre-exposure prophylaxis among regular sex partners of HIV-infected individuals in Sichuan and Xinjiang provinces of China
摘要 目的:了解我国四川、新疆两省人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染者固定性伴侣(regular sexpartners,PAR)对暴露前预防用药(pre-exposure prophylaxis,PrEP)的接受意愿及其影响因素。方法:采用非随机抽样,对473位合格的研究对象进行面对面匿名问卷调查。采用χ2检验进行单因素分析,利用Logistic回归进行多因素分析。结果:我国四川、新疆两省的PAR对PrEP的知晓率不高,85.41%从未听说过PrEP,调查人员对PAR人群进行PrEP相关内容的讲解后,PrEP的接受意愿达到了80.34%。经Logistic回归分析,PAR人群PrEP接受意愿的影响因素包括民族(维吾尔/汉族:OR=2.471,P=0.009 3)、月收入水平(≤1 000元/1 001~3 000元:OR=2.046,P=0.018 4)、半年内是否与配偶发生过性行为(是/否:OR=2.263,P=0.019 2)、自认为从配偶处感染HIV的可能性(可能性一般/大:OR=0.485,P=0.065 1;可能性小/大:OR=0.447,P=0.027 3)、是否建议朋友使用PrEP(会/不会:OR=9.416,P〈0.000 1)、配偶查出感染HIV的时间(3年之内/1年内:OR=0.478,P=0.059 9;3年前/1年内:OR=0.374,P=0.009 4)。结论:我国四川、新疆两省的PAR对PrEP的知晓率低,接受意愿高,在今后的艾滋病干预工作中,应加大PrEP的宣传力度,提高其知晓率,进一步提高接受意愿。同时,不妨尝试在该人群中开展同伴教育,这可能是推广PrEP的有效方式。 Objective:To investigate the willingness to accept pre-exposure prophylaxis(PrEP) and its influencing factors among regular sex partners(PAR) of HIV-infected individuals in Sichuan and Xinjiang provinces.Methods:Face-to-face anonymous questionnaire was conducted for 473 qualified objects by non-randomly sampling method.χ2 test and Logistic regression were employed to do univariate analysis and multivariate analysis.Results:Awareness of PrEP among PAR was not high in Sichuan and Xinjiang provinces,85.41% had never heard of PrEP.80.34% PAR would like to accept PrEP after being taught on PrEP related knowledge by investigators.Logistic regression showed that the multiple influencing factors of the willingness to accept PrEP among PAR population were nationality(Uyghur/Han:OR=2.471,P=0.009 3),monthly income(≤1 000/1 001-3 000:OR=2.046,P=0.018 4),whether have sex with spouse within six months(yes/no:OR=2.263,P=0.019 2),self-awareness of the possibility to be infected with HIV from their spouses(medium possibility/great:OR=0.485,P=0.065 1;low possibility/great:OR=0.447,P=0.027 3),whether recommend friends to use PrEP(would/would not:OR=9.416,P0.000 1),the time when the spouse was diagnosed with HIV infection(within three years/one year: OR=0.478,P=0.059 9;three years ago/within one year:OR=0.374,P=0.009 4).Conclusions:Awareness of PrEP among PAR is not high in Sichuan and Xinjiang provinces,but the willingness to accept PrEP is high.Propaganda of PrEP in AIDS intervention should be strengthened in the future thus to improve the awareness of PrEP and the willingness to accept PrEP.Meanwhile,peer education could be possibly carried out among this population which might be an effective way to promote PrEP.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期395-400,共6页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
基金 国家科技重大专项资助项目(编号:2008ZX10001-016)
关键词 人类免疫缺陷病毒 固定性伴侣 暴露前预防用药 接受意愿 human immunodeficiency virus regular sex partner pre-exposure prophylaxis willingness to accept
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