根据 p H值对象的特性曲线 ,设计了一种利用非线性增益补偿 p H静态增益的变化 ,同时运用模糊前馈系统抑制 p H值超调的前馈 +反馈非线性控制模型 ,实现了 p H值的闭环控制 ,并且在实际运用中取得了较好的效果。
This paper looks at the control of acid/base neutralisation in plants.The control of pH is of important for many processes such as boiler water treatment,chemical and biological reaction.Because of the high non linearity,a linear controller can only perform well with a small pH operating range.This paper introduces a new class of simple non linear control model,and the model is comprised of a non linear gain in cascade of a linear fixed gain PID controller,and two fuzzy logical controllers in order to retrain the over short of pH and flow respectively.This model is implemented in plant successfully.
Light Industry Machinery