1Plato, Laws, trans, by R. G. Bury, William Heinemann & Harvard University Press, 1994, 739d, 739e, 739e, 693d, 691e -692d, 828e, 949e, 693a, 700b, 644d, 803e, 853c-d, 803b, 693d, 691e-692d, 755, 763e, 765, 764a, 756b-e.
2Seth Benardete, Plato's "Laws" . The Discovery of Being, The University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 237.
4G. R. Morrow, Plato's Cretan City, Princeton University Press, 1960, p. 156, pp. 575 - 577, pp. 534 -535, pp. 521 -531, pp. 295 -296.
7Plato, Philebus, trans, by Harold N. Fowler, Loeb edition, 20c - 22e, 63e - 65a, 283c - 285b, 282d - 283 b.
8Plato, Politicus, 287-290, 303- 305, 308- 311. Also see the translation by A. E. Taylor, in Plato, The Collected Dialogues, ed. Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns, Princeton University Press, 1989.
9Trevor Saunders, "Introduction", in Plato, The Laws, Penguin Books, 1975, p. 28.